Twice-Exceptional Therapy

The term “twice-exceptional” (also known as 2E) refers to those who are gifted in one area but then also have a disability, such as ADHD, autism, dyslexia, mental illness, etc.

Twice-exceptional children

2E children are often immensely talented and focused on their interests, and also have needs in other areas that require attention and support. Twice-exceptional children face multiple challenges. People may only focus on their difficulties rather than their strengths OR assume that their gifted abilities will make their other concerns disappear.

Twice-exceptional kids may not get the accommodations they deserve because they do well academically, which cuts them off from vital resources. Sometimes their frustration with the struggle of being both talented and disabled can lead to behavioral issues like having trouble getting along with peers, disruptions in class and/or defiance at home. Living in a world that often misunderstands them can also lead to anxiety, isolation and depression.

Therapy can help twice-exceptional children build the skills they need to feel less isolated, improve executive functioning, decrease their fears and enjoy their lives. They can learn to treat themselves and their differences with compassion and build self-esteem.